My Articles

Thoughts and Inspiration 


This is the time of year that kicks off the holiday season with over-indulgences in food, shopping and more shopping after that.  Long lines at the post office begin, exponentiated traffic and pumpkin pies seemingly reproduce themselves.  Thanksgiving's...

The invisible hurdle

The invisible hurdle

Recently, a colleague  was feeling very unappreciated within his company.  He felt he was never commended for the job he was doing,  acknowledged for positive changes he had made within his department, or ever thanked for the extra hours he put in that...

Boxes and Rails

Today I went skiing with my 7 year old son.  He is at the age where freestyle skiing is all the rage and we've been focusing on conquering the beginner terrain park.    My technique in teaching him has not been without failure.  I have told him what to do, encouraged...

Packaging Impressions

    Recently the Wall Street Journal published an article about how yogurt companies are cosmetically changing their packaging to specifically target male shoppers. The “traditional pink” yogurt aisle has discouraged men from buying yogurt despite men...


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