A few years ago, I came across a book I loved entitled Dare, Dream, Do and instantly was both inspired and enamored by the author Whitney Johnson. I have both lent and bought several copies of her book to give to friends/co-workers, in hopes that they would be just as inspired as I was after reading. Whitney has recently published a new book utilizing the theory of disruptive innovation on a much more personal level and how it can be applied to an individual’s path to success. Her second book is just as contemplative and I once again find myself thinking about passions, purpose and the work/life balance that I seek. Filled with less antidotes and more theory, my thoughts have indeed been disrupted and I have committed to myself to take more risks in hopes of achieving my mission and purpose in life.
Support a disruptor in the marketplace and buy Whitney Johnson’s book. Mine is filled with sticky notes, highlighted passages and dogeared pages and may be a distraction it you borrowed it. However, I will be more than happy to lend you a copy. Let me know what you thought an how she inspired you.
I was one of the fortunate ones that you gave Dare, Dream, Do to. When it arrived in the mail, I was beyond delighted and touched by your thoughtfulness toward my own dreams. I immediately started reading it, and it was a game changer for me. Thanks for the info on her new book. It’s going on my Christmas wish list now. And I’m looking forward to the next stage of challenges by Whitney Johnson.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness and for inspiring others not only in word but also in deed.